Chujo Maximilian Harmon

CTF Chujo Maximilian Harmon

Maximilian Harmon was born in 2081 in Regina, Saskatchewan, in the North District of the Federated States of America (formerly Canada). Growing up in a family of Canadian nationalists he was often regaled with stories of the old days of a free and independent Canada. Therefore it was of little surprise that from his teen years he began to rebel against the oppressive regime of the FSA. Starting with simple acts of independent vandalism he soon fell in with organised cells of activists and more militant voices.

Maximilian soon gained a reputation for cool headed leadership and a fierce devotion to the cause. He rose in status in the local and regional operations and even at his comparatively young age was considered a voice of authority.

His first association with the United Nations and the Æon Trinity was during this time after serving alongside an Æon section Minerva team who offered covert assistance in freeing some FSA prisoners. A group of Canadian political lobbyists had been held in their way to a IN hearing in Chicago The then-freedom-fighter was surprised by the professionalism, competence and resourcefulness of the Æon agents. It made the young man realise for the first time that they were not alone in the fight and that the battle for freedom was much larger in scale than he had considered. Following a successful joint-action which freed all 14 of the Canadian delegation he resolved to learn more.

He may have had a lengthier career as a guerrilla fighter had the Federated States Military not closed in on and imprisoned his family. It was unclear at the time whether this was an attempt to flush Harmon out or for their own "seditious" views. Regardless of the motive the effect was to send Maximilian on the run.

Harmon believed that he needed protection but he earnestly wanted to continue his fight for freedom and justice for his people. To that end he managed to make it South as far as Chicago and into a UN recruitment office. So in 2101, at age twenty, he eagerly signed up for the UN Military Command Home Guard, that which would eventually become known as the First Legion.

His aptitude tests led to his being entered into an office cadet path (possibly with some covert assistance from Section Minerva). Following his training he served with distinction, first as field officer as part of the Home Guard, then a detachment commander in one founding units of Fortune's Knights, before finally transferring to a dedicated tactical command role in the Seventh Legion when it was first formed.

The Chujo (7th Legion Admiral) comes across as a no nonsense military professional. The responsibility for the lives of those under his command and the duty inherent in their collective mission weights heavy on Harmon's shoulders. He began this journey fighting for freedom and against injustice and that inviting war sustains and motivates him to this day.

Primary Pool: 13 (Military Officer)
Secondary Pool: 8 (Research and investigation)
Desperation Pool: 4
Edges: Always Prepared, Iron Will 3, Small Unit Tactics,
Source (Inspiration): 4
Facets: Destructive 1, Intuitive 2, Reflective 1
Gifts: Damn, I respect you, Don't mess with me, Indomitable Will, Theatre of conflict,
Equipment Bonuses: +2 Enhancement
Defence: 4
Condition Levels: 5


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