Standard Personal Gear
As we increasingly run the risk in Æon Trinity of getting into more and more dramatic shenanigans I thought I'd provide our players with an outline of the default personal expedition gear they will have. Just as a point of clarity we are only defining personal gear as the Hybrid Transport assigned to the team has other "stuff"; drones, specific mission gear, emergency survival gear, Vacuum suits, medical kit etc but I'm not going to do a full inventory of that as it's tedious and frankly limiting. As Storyguide I'd rather apply the "rule of cool" and "Yes, and..." principles and define specifics as we need (and as makes sense to the plot). So what have they got? Well, unless a player specifies other personal gear that supersedes it each player has access to the following: "Expedition clothing" - this is a overall/uniform/jumpsuit/survival garb (a variety of styles are available) with Taskforce and name badges. It counts a...