
Showing posts from June, 2019

Standard Personal Gear

As we increasingly run the risk in Æon Trinity of getting into more  and more dramatic shenanigans I thought I'd provide our players with an outline of the default personal expedition gear they will have. Just as a point of clarity we are only defining personal gear as the Hybrid Transport assigned to the team has other "stuff"; drones, specific mission gear, emergency survival gear, Vacuum suits, medical kit etc but I'm not going to do a full inventory of that as it's tedious and frankly limiting.  As Storyguide I'd rather apply the "rule of cool" and "Yes, and..." principles and define specifics as we need (and as makes sense to the plot). So what have they got? Well, unless a player specifies other personal gear that supersedes it each player has access to the following: "Expedition clothing" - this is a overall/uniform/jumpsuit/survival garb (a variety of styles are available) with Taskforce and name badges.  It counts a...

Session #2 - One small stumble for man...

The second full session opened with the team launching from Odysseus in a hybrid transport, piloted by Lili with the Clairsentient Janos as co-pilot. Entering the atmosphere of the planet Britannia the ship was buffeted by storms.  The murky sky is full of greenish grey clouds and visibility is limited. Janos detects a huge storm-front ahead but Lili, rather than trying to avoid it steels herself and heads straight at it.  The Hybrid bucks and tips like a piece of flotsam on a tidal wave but Lili masterfully controls the ship and it suffers only minor damage. The crew are somewhat shaken though, Dr Cross coming off the worst and losing his breakfast while Ivy's constitution just adapts; increasing her central mass and adjusting her sense of balance to avoid nausea.  Passing through the turbulence the team get their first visual of this new world. It seems surprisingly colourful and vibrant with lush looking foliage and bright green acid rivers and lakes. The ...

Lili's BioVARG

Due to her Legion's Edge giving Lili access military hardware, added to the fact that she is a VARG specialist we decided that she has a designated, Formatted, BioVARG. Meet "Nerve": "Nerve" Basic armour qualities:  Bulletproof', Impact and Slash Resistant Tags: Active Camouflage 0, Complete 3, Environmental 1, Hard 3, Powered 0, Psi, Soft 2, Propulsion (Land), Propulsion (Space) Size 0 (collapsed) Tech PSI FT  4 (including Enhancer Gauntlet) Cost 5 Gear: Vision equivalent to Improved Binoculars Built in Ear Radio Biotech grippers Weapons systems: Enhancer Gauntlet (Psychokinesis) Enhancements: 3 Range: Close-Long Damage: Ballistic Size: M FT: 2 Tech: PSI Cost: 3 Tags: Destructive, Formatted 2, PSI Gauntlet, Ranged: Close-Long, Super Science 1

Session #1 - To cautiously go...

Our first proper session opened with a briefing my the Player Characters' Æon Trinity liaison and briefing officer; Basile Ikouébé. The Task Force is underway, having left station at Absolute Zero and is now heading to a safe jump point away from habitation to minimise any psionic backlash. Basile confirms that the mission is a joint effort between the United Nations and the Æon Trinity, utilizing manpower and resources from both organisations, the PSI orders and the United Republic of Great Britain. He also announces that he can now reveal their intended destination: a new extrasolar system, previously unexplored by humanity. The system has been named "Victoria" and is known to have at least one world that appears habitable: "Britannia". The system was a United Republic discovery and this explains the high level of British presence on the mission. However Lili suspects that this isn't the whole truth. Basile then outlines the general plan for o...

Our happy band - redux

As is often the way with new campaigns there have already been a few tweaks to our characters: Ivy Von-hop has been renamed Ivy Brown Lili "Fetch" Page has been replaced with Lili Widogast a Street Rat/The Pilot/Legionnaire James Templeman's name is actually Janos Templeman (blame a Storyguide typo for that one) ...everyone else is as-was but SGCs have referred to Ryland as "Doctor Cross" which seemed to make sense and has stuck.

Session #0 - Our happy band...

Our Session #0 is complete and we have most of our Player Characters ready to go. (In no particular order) the team currently consists of: Ivy Von-hop - a Street Rat/Combat Specialist/Norça Biokinetic Lili "Fetch" Page - a Street Rat/The Sneak/Freelance Psychokinetic James Templeman - a Military Brat/Space Military/Æon Trinity Clairsentient Kojo Twenoburyo - an Adventurer/Spacer/Upeo Wa Macho Teleporter Ryland Cross - a Street Rat/Tech Expert/Orgotek Electrokinetic After completing the characters we did a short introductory scene in a nightclub called "McCavities" in Absolute-Zero, the station on and within the Asteroid Vesta in the Asteroid Belt. The bar in McCavities intentionally has no artificial gravity but consists of a web of ropes and spherical "tables" with seats suspended within. It is the "last night in town" for the members of Task Force Odysseus. Most crews and personnel are enjoying the entertainments that the frontier s...