Session #2 - One small stumble for man...

The second full session opened with the team launching from Odysseus in a hybrid transport, piloted by Lili with the Clairsentient Janos as co-pilot.

Entering the atmosphere of the planet Britannia the ship was buffeted by storms.  The murky sky is full of greenish grey clouds and visibility is limited. Janos detects a huge storm-front ahead but Lili, rather than trying to avoid it steels herself and heads straight at it. 

The Hybrid bucks and tips like a piece of flotsam on a tidal wave but Lili masterfully controls the ship and it suffers only minor damage. The crew are somewhat shaken though, Dr Cross coming off the worst and losing his breakfast while Ivy's constitution just adapts; increasing her central mass and adjusting her sense of balance to avoid nausea. 

Passing through the turbulence the team get their first visual of this new world. It seems surprisingly colourful and vibrant with lush looking foliage and bright green acid rivers and lakes. The target area they are heading to is a swampy zone affected by thick patches of dense, dirty, sulphuric fog.

Lili once again demonstrates her piloting skill by deftly bringing the ship down in the swamp, half way between the site where Ryland wants to eventually set up his experiments and the "regular mineral deposits" they had detected. The crew suit up with breath masks and expedition gear, all except Lili who dons her BioVARG, "Nerve", and Ivy who relies on her Biokinesis.

The team start to explore their immediate area and send a drone to survey the "regular mineral deposits".  Footage received from the drone shows evidence of what they had suspected, it appears to show a set of artificially constructed walls, now in ruin. Suddenly a blur of something moving appears on the Drone's imaging sensor and the flying robot is knocked to one side.  Lili regains control of it but cannot trace what the movement was, nor whether it intentionally attacked the drone. Janos attempts to review and analyse the footage but gains no additional information.

Deciding to inspect this discovery for themselves the team locks down the ship and treks through the marsh and swamp to the ruin site. The journey on foot is difficult and tiring, the characters' feet sink deep into the accumulated layers of mud. The mud itself is dark and blackish and the entire place smells of sulphur, event through the filters of the team's breath masks.

Continuing on through the swamp, tall plants, similar to Earth Bulrushes, tower overhead, with the fuzzy brown seed heads shedding their seeds into the wind. Large invertebrate life rustles in the reeds. Open pools of acidic water appear here and there as the water becomes deeper still and the swamp plants begin to thin out. Everything proceeds reasonably well until Janos slips in the mud and falls thigh deep into one of the pools.  He seems ok but the acid starts to eat through his boots and clothing.

Arriving at the ruins the team start to search the area and take measurements of what they find. In doing so Ryland makes a shocking discovery and calls over Janos. There is an object on the floor that bears an uncanny resemblance to a 21st century Earth smartphone...  


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