Session #0 - Our happy band...

Our Session #0 is complete and we have most of our Player Characters ready to go.

(In no particular order) the team currently consists of:
  • Ivy Von-hop - a Street Rat/Combat Specialist/Norça Biokinetic
  • Lili "Fetch" Page - a Street Rat/The Sneak/Freelance Psychokinetic
  • James Templeman - a Military Brat/Space Military/Æon Trinity Clairsentient
  • Kojo Twenoburyo - an Adventurer/Spacer/Upeo Wa Macho Teleporter
  • Ryland Cross - a Street Rat/Tech Expert/Orgotek Electrokinetic
After completing the characters we did a short introductory scene in a nightclub called "McCavities" in Absolute-Zero, the station on and within the Asteroid Vesta in the Asteroid Belt. The bar in McCavities intentionally has no artificial gravity but consists of a web of ropes and spherical "tables" with seats suspended within.

It is the "last night in town" for the members of Task Force Odysseus. Most crews and personnel are enjoying the entertainments that the frontier settlement has to offer before shipping out to wherever the mission destination turns out to be.

Our team are all reluctantly there and the players describe their behaviours and what they are mostly doing to avoid socialising:
  • Ivy is shyly stood to one side, her biokinesis having adapted her to the micro-gravity. Her innate presence means lots of people keep coming to offer her drinks and asking her to dance but she blanks them all.
  • Lili hangs onto the bar and drinks. And drinks. And drinks.
  • James has had lengthy vacuum mobility and combat training and so the environment doesn't phase him. He spends the time in the club people-watching. He clocks which members of the various Task Force crews are here and checks their service records against his minicomp and his own photographic memory. He is particularly aware of when a rowdy group of officers from the United Republic Frigate "The White Lion" arrive. The White Lion is the largest dedicated military vessel attached to the Task Force but it's jack booted British crew are generally given a wide berth. James notices that their commanding officer, Cmdr. Christina Newport is amongst those in McCavities.
  • Kojo has undergone low-G environment adaptation and like Ivy and James is not phased by the bar's environment. He is less than comfortable with the social situation though and so hangs back, effectively just blending into the crowd. He finds a bit of a soul mate in Ryland and they spend the evening being alone next to each other, mutually appreciating the fact that neither needs the other to say or do anything more.
  • As mentioned, Ryland "hangs" with Kojo; far less physically comfortable but easily as uncomfortable socially. He spends the evening balancing his chequing account, reorganising file structures for his research notes and generally doing all he can not to interact with his minicomp rather than others in the room.


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